
Pok3r Mapping

Published 2018-03-19, last edit 2020-05-03

Mapping reference that I’m using on my pok3r keyboard.

To map a key:

You can continue mapping in programming mode by hitting key combinations followed by pn.

1. Swaps #

esc -> fn + esc
fn + esc -> esc

l_meta -> l_super
l_super -> l_meta

\ -> backspace
backspace -> \

capslock -> left ctrl
left ctrl -> capslock

2. Right control -> Function key #

note: this effects only the layer you are on, fn transforms into super after this.

  • unplug keyboard, flip switch 4
  • hit fn, then rctrl
  • hit pn, pn to keep position
  • turn off switch 4

and now we can have nice vim-like arrow keys:

  fn + h -> fn + j fn + j -> fn + k fn + k -> fn + i
  fn + l -> fn + l

swap (the now available) right win alt:

  r_meta -> r_super r_super -> r_meta

When away, here is an autohotkey script to achieve the same (minus the arrow keys):

  #SingleInstance force


  ::Backspace Backspace::\\

  +BS:: KeyWait, Shift Send, {|} Return

  LWin::LAlt LAlt::LWin

  RWin::RAlt RAlt::RWin