May Days
Published 2020-05-02, last edit 2020-10-31

There’s a nice post/site/idea circulating around, 100daystooffload, which encourages people with personal blogs to post once a day for 100 days with low pressure requirements. This notion really vibed with me, I think because I’ve spent a fair amount of time tweaking this site, and not nearly as much time actually putting stuff out there. So… consider this the first post of that. I plan to toot these posts to join in on the feed of other bloggers doing the same thing.
1. Site Meta #
I think here I’ll just layout some of my goals for this site even existing:
- reference material for myself (and potentially have my stuff corrected by others)
- reference material for others (it should be easy to share to an anchor link)
- “wiki like” content, where it’s not a big deal if things are edited (this is why every post has a link to it’s git history and there are different sort orders on the front page of the site)
- selectively publish posts to an RSS feed
- high integration with my environment (emacs) such that my editing experience in posts leaks to other areas of my workflow
- writing can help clarify thoughts, and take things from “fuzzy” to concrete
- feel π°π΄πππ·π΄ππΈπ²/match some rice looks
- feel OK “offloading” here/nonsense posts as well
- copy/share stuff I want to preserve (like nice poems or something)
2. High level May goals #
- conquer the ’hardcore’ section here at >80wpm (maybe the goal should be 90wpm? the star jump is from 80 to 100)
- write more (wowie)
- keep working out (been doing so every other day)
- “get good” at (ongoing/vague currently – I’ve got some specific projects noted down in my org notes)
- Clojure
- Nix
- org scheduling + agenda modes (related: my mobile org setup)
- start searching for a job? part of this ties into the feeling of “getting good” at the above