posts+notes sorted by last-published date
- Nicotine
- automata tiles 3
- plato on the kobo libra 2
- Sharath led primary notes
- 2022‽
- eve fits
- nix profile
- org habit syntax reference
- redshift oneshot calls
- Maximum number of clients reached on X
- tiled wallpaper sources
- sxhkd-ish
- Myron Theme Palettes
- fortune quotes
- passionate state of mind
- systemd user services
- The Calf Path
- printing and scanning on linux
- search term playlists
- o7
- Monday
- reasoning about colors
- my shell prompt
- (reduce)
- annoying org typing slowdowns
- meatbag maintenance
- Automata tiling backgrounds 2
- pulseaudio user notes
- A fun focus exercise
- 8 Months Adrift
- ImageMagick Snippets
- webrings
- sound log
- Pinebook Pro
- tickling bash, quest for the perfect menu
- Automata tiling backgrounds
- Archiving CD’s on linux
- colemak-dh mod
- checking for toots
- May Days
- reverse ssh tunnels
- My Mobile Setup
- xero’s irc ref
- adhoc executable patching on nixos
- rice links
- tl;dr shell getopts
- Updating nix channels
- On Emacs
- TLDR org mode + graphviz
- git svn workflow
- vim language quick reference
- add local font files linux
- quote to string in elisp
- curl exit code 60 on Windows
- restclient.el + elasticsearch
- Pok3r Mapping
- Ryo Fukui
- i3-like multihead in bspwm
- BSPWM Experiences
- GDB Registers
- youtube rip with dwb + youtube-dl
- WASD V2 Mechanical Keyboard
- Configuring constant LANG variable
- Creation of a time based wallpaper with feh
- VirtualBox setup on Arch Linux
- asdf
- Weekend
- More gw2 API released
- Guildwars
- The Battle for Wesnoth
- CrunchBang 11
- General Thoughts on Summer
- Offline documentation